Sunday 15 April 2012


We had to think of fitting costumes for three characters, though we focused mainly on the two lead character costumes of the Detective and of Cralex.

For the Detective we wanted to settle for something simple and professional looking, we went for a basic shirt and trousers accompanied by a tie, which we wanted to hang loosely around the characters neck to show that the character isn't as professional as he should be.

An example of the costume for the Detective

For Cralex we tossed about a few ideas such as leather jackets, baseball caps, jumpers, blazers and other clothing. But we wanted to character to appear simple and weak and to have an air of defenselessness about him. With this in mind we settled for a very simple white t-shirt which was made to look a bit dirty and sweaty and some plain black trousers. The actor playing Cralex (Joe) is small and skinny so we thought combined with the plain outfit the audience wouldn't believe him to be a bad guy since he has such a weak appeal.

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